Data Backup & Business Continuity

Protect your future with a business continuity plan

Your business records and client files are an irreplaceable and crucial part of your work. The risk of losing your agreements, invoices, orders, or blueprints is very real.

“Disaster Recovery” might make you think of natural disasters, but only 1% of all data loss happens due to natural crises.

The remaining 99% is due to failing hardware, simple human errors, or targeted attacks by cybercriminals. Small businesses are especially inclined to suffer severe damages due to disasters since they tend to have lower margins for error and a big target on their back. Compared to corporations, they usually have fewer data security policies in place. 

Protek-IT is here to make your business feel safe about critical data and protect you.

Why Protek-IT

Dependable IT Support.

Your business relies on technology to function, but you’re not an expert in all things tech. Our IT experts know tech in and out – and provide expertise dependably, so you don’t have to chase them around and wait for them to respond for hours.

Simple, Flat rate pricing.

We customize each and every IT package to your specific needs, but we offer basic packages that cover all important parts of your business, so you know you’re covered.

Local team of experts.

Our certified and experienced team is well-versed in every aspect of tech. We work hard to provide a holistic approach to your technology and explain everything in layman’s terms, so you can make the most informed decision about your business.

Practical Technology insights.

As your IT team, we keep track of your infrastructure and any changes to your tech stack, so you always have a clear overview of what you pay for. We’ll inform you of any noticeable bottlenecks and allow you to prepare for updates well ahead of time.

Continuous planning

Maintaining a disaster recovery plan requires keeping up with the backed up folders, evolving threat landscape and planning changes.

Ensure functionality

If worse comes to worst, you need to be able to get moving again as quickly as possible. We will map out everything to help you get back on track.

Backup management

We don't just run a backup and hope it works out. We will ensure your files are properly and safely stored, and check on the health of your data daily.

Restore anything

Restore a full server, data in the cloud, or a single deleted file or missing email. Get full freedom in knowing you always have a plan B.

What our clients are saying
Protek-IT’s initial intervention was helpful and successful, and they’ve continued to be a reliable partner. The team is communicative and responsive, working after hours and solving problems promptly.
Jeanine Stevens, The Stevens Law Group

Questions we may ask in your discovery call

What is your level of urgency?

Can you afford a few hours of downtime or do you need continuous upkeep to serve your clients?

Do you use critical software?

What business software would stop you in your tracks if it stopped working? We will back up files related to the software to ensure you can keep working in case of a disaster.

Do you have regulatory compliance needs?

Does your business type require you to back up your data safely? If you're not sure, just let us know and we will help.

Which files need to be protected?

What are your crucial files that you can't work without? What else would you need backed up?

Are you especially vulnerable?

Depending on your business type and previous experiences, is there a high likelihood of suffering from a specific disaster (natural disaster, untrained or malicious employees, failing hardware, etc.)

Get started with data backup today

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